Be Seen and Feel Able. Find Your Way.
I am Jessica Benton, and I have a passion for my clients to be fully SEEN and feel able to move into and through their goals. We do not need more division and loneliness attempting to create change within ourselves. We need to work together, to connect and heal in unity with each other and in union with ourselves.


What is Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy?
Trauma-informed yoga therapy is an approach that emphasizes creating a safe and supportive environment to help individuals reconnect with their bodies, unite with their breath and promote healing and choice.
Yoga Therapy is a deep somatic dive that offers the art and depth of choice, regulation, strength and release to many chronic conditions and difficult experiences. My goal is that this journey together brings education, ability and choice to each unique circumstance. Our yesterday does not have to dictate and lead TODAY.


How is yoga therapy different from yoga?
It IS Yoga on a deeply personal level. IT is a complete soaking in of how to practice and move through YOUR suffering to find joy, calm, and centeredness.
Yoga Therapists are intensely trained to use the practice system of Yoga for more complicated symptoms and diagnoses. A typical Yoga class will be more asana focused than many Yoga Therapy sessions.
I use belief, habits, breath, and awareness for heavy focus with body and asana as one 'tool in the toolbelt' rather than the toolbelt itself.
What is the role of Yoga Therapy in Mental Health?
When we suffer it is often thorough within our minds and bodies. We can speak to one in order to get to the other. They are highly connected and dependent on the other. Yoga Therapy is wonderful on its own to facilitate regulation of your nervous system, coping with triggers, releasing old patterns that hold emotion and trauma that build a belief system in your body.
Yoga Therapy in partnership with more traditional talk therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a helpful partner. As you process your past, present and future we lean into creating new movement and fluidity of body and mind! This combination is ideal for many.
How can Yoga Therapy Help Me?
Yoga Therapy is used to address our personal way through daily life. Body, Mind, Spirit, Energy, Habits. Yoga Therapy is a deep dive into your personal journey and needs for our internal experience and external experience.